Third Party Tools

JS Libraries


Unless there is a compelling reason, we will use VueJS as our primary javascript framework.


Axios handles http requests and integrates neatly with Vue.

PHP Packages

Wherever possible we desire to use native Laravel offerings instead of pulling in a third-party package. This allows us to minimize dependencies and makes for smoother upgrades in the future.

That being said, there are times a third-party package makes sense.

When choosing to integrate a package, here are a few items to consider:

  • See how many downloads it has on Packagist - generally the more downloads, the more stable
  • Check to see if it is actively maintained - look at the commit log to see frequency
  • Take a look through the Issues section on the repository page to get a sense for what kinds of problems people are having
  • Finally, check to see if we have the option of forking and maintaining it ourselves